We are opening our Kentucky locations on Monday, April 27th according to the guidelines of the state and the Kentucky Dental Association. You do not have to contact us to get rescheduled for your missed appointments at either location, Hebron or Florence. Our team will be contacting you starting Monday to get rescheduled based on the first appointment we had to cancel due to COVID-19. We promise to do everything possible to see each of our patients in both a safe and prompt manner.
As we open our Kentucky locations, we will use additional precautions to protect our patients and staff from COVID-19. Here are a few of the things we are doing to ensure the safety of our patients and our team:
What we are doing:
- Masks for all our staff
- Medical-grade disinfectant use on all common surfaces every hour
- Waiting room is closed: our goal is to eliminate waiting for all appointments. For those who arrive early, we ask that you remain in your car and we will call/text when we are ready to see you.
- Taking temperature of all team members each day
- Taking temperature of each patient prior to appointment
- Screening of all patients for signs of COVID-19 exposure prior to appointment
- Limiting aerosol-generating procedures:high speed evauationsystem, air and water-free handpieces, extra personal protective equipment, including face shields
- Removing touch points throughout the office, including our Keurig(sorry!), touchscreen sign-in device
- Plexiglass barriers where 6ft+ of social distancing is not possible
- Virtual appointments whenever possible (Invisalign®checks, retainer checks, doctor consultations, etc)
- No hand shakes at appointments or hugs after getting your braces off (this is killing us!)
- Constant monitoring and implementation of the best practices recommendations from the CDC, local government, and dental associations
- Removal of all magazine and toys from common areas
What you can do:
- Stay home if you suspect being sick or have contact with someone that has tested positive for COVID-19
- Social distancing: please do not bring extra family member or friends into the office with you. Parents please stay in the car for normal adjustment appointments.
- Bring your own mask to the office
- We will have them rinse with hydrogen peroxide before their appointment
- Brush at home prior to your appointment (toothbrush station will be closed to avoid our patients congregating)
Thank you for your patience and understanding while we reopen our Kentucky locations with additional covid-19 precautions, we are so excited to see you!
We have added an newer update for Covid-19 procedures for all locations, check it out.